Monday, December 17, 2007

I'm just hoping they keep the scorpion and the grasshopper...

No new review yet - audiobooks take a good deal of time to get through - but I do have a brief audio drama heads up. Big Finish Productions (my favorite purveyor of geeky audio drama of various kinds) has released a downloadable dramatization of The Phantom of the Opera, which was exciting enough to me that I felt I should let other people know.

I love The Phantom of the Opera to a vaguely frightening degree and, sadly, have never managed to find an audio production - either audiobook or audiodrama - that I felt did the book justice. I haven't heard any of this one yet other than the trailer, but I trust Big Finish (when they aren't trying to put on American accents). They do good work. I feel confident that it will be at least worth checking out and I'm looking forward to downloading and listening to it.

Hey, it's got the Persian featured prominently in the cast list. That's promising just by itself. 8)

Obligatory Big Finish plug - if you're reading this, you're a Doctor Who fan (or a fan of other vaguely obscure British sci-fi), and you don't know about Big Finish, you should definitely check them out. Like I say above, they do good work. I've listened to a lot of their audioplays and have come across only one that I wouldn't listen to again. And even that one was fairly entertaining while I was listening to it.

So. Avoid Minuet in Hell but get yourself a copy of Jubilee, Spare Parts, or Night Thoughts and go from there. You won't regret it.


Laura said...

Hi Sara!

Cool site! A dramatised version of the Phantom of the Opera is on BBC7 at the moment - see and click on the Real Player link. Episode 1 is up until Sunday when the new one airs. If you haven't been to BBC7 you've really been missing out - they have lots of really good audio drama and books to stream over the internet.

There's lots of other sites out there you may be interested in. does scifi and fantasy audio book/drama reviews and news, and I have a blog on audio drama at (I also have links to other Doctor who fan audio dramas :)

Have fun!


Tim Sutton said...

Dear Sara,

I hope you've had a chance to listen to the final episode - if you have you'll have found the scorpion and the grasshopper present and correct! Thanks for your kind words - I hope you enjoyed Phantom - we're all really thrilled with this production.


Tim Sutton (composer)